
Working with users in early stage development to design a better product

Working with users in early stage development to design a better product

How do you go about designing and building the right product for your target audience? Minimise the wrong decisions.

When I worked with Substrakt product managing Viadukt, we worked closely with users in the initial stages of design to build a product that makes it easier to book tickets to live performances online. Learn how you can do it too.

2022 projects in review – my experience of digital in the performing arts

2022 projects in review – my experience of digital in the performing arts

2022 has seen me meeting a lot of digital needs in performing arts organisations. In this post, I share what these projects focused on, what we built and why.

I round them up by banging my usual product management drum. New digital products and solutions need to go hand in hand with new, thought through workflows designed for efficiency.